Web UI
Sean Hull
Yes a WebUI would be fantastic. Particularly if there was a sample of what your config would output.
Sean Hull: We have a tool in closed beta with our sponsors at present which lets users set up their initial configs, including testing connection to Plex/TMDb etc, selecting which of the Defaults files they would like to apply, so on and so forth.
No NoNo
I would love A) an automated install with integration process and B) UI for ongoing management and configuration changes to PMM (Kometa). PLEASE!!!!
Chaz Larson
No NoNo automated install is unlikely given the wide range of places where the tool can run.
Daniel Jospeh Czyz
Would love to see this, trying to add it to a Win server plex install is a pain... and a Win compatible version would also be nice. :) (yes, I know Docker can run on Win server)
Chaz Larson
You don't have to use Docker. You can run it as a Python script. If you are asking for a Windows-native double-clickable application, that's most likely not going to happen.
Chaz Larson
Daniel Jospeh Czyz I'd be interested in hearing more about this:
> trying to add it to a Win server plex install is a pain
And why specifically that scenario is such a pain. Perhaps something could be documented.
Wesley Willis
If the OP meant a UI for installing the application (automating that config file mess), then absolutely I support that. I don't think they make enough ritalin for me to make it through the installation wiki page. This looks powerful, and exactly what Plex is missing, but really unapproachable from an installation perspective. I'd donate $$ to this feature.
Wesley Willis there is something brewing as we write...
Wesley Willis
bullmoose20 I hope you're not toying with our emotions ;-)
Wesley Willis not toying at all... I can confirm that we are trying to achieve "something"
Aideyah H
bullmoose20 Any update on your "brew"? I don't like to pester so I'm hoping 5 mo is long enough to wait to ask :P
Aideyah H we had to put that on pause as we kinda got stuck....
Aideyah H
bullmoose20 nooooooooooo, but also: okay I understand. I don't work well without a GUI but I'll get my husband to assist me :D
Michael Flanigan
I’d love to see this and a place to put every api key so you can connect the library like you would to Plex and then have it work sorta like unmanic where you can choose options. I’m really excited for this one to become real. I’d mind yaml’s but a UI is way more sustainable.
Michael Flanigan something brewing... stay tuned
No NoNo
Howdy, great to see this is planned! May I ask as if there is any more news on the UI component? checked discord link below but doesn't seem to list anything for me.
PMM looks amazing and a UI would grow major adoption with many PLEX users. Please please can we have a UI?
No NoNo.... something is brewing... a little patience as we work through some things
What would be amazing is if the UI displayed all the various community configs. So every config shows up in the catalog, if in the repo you force a standard template (e.g. must include config.yml, at least 1 .JPG, etc) so that it can be displayed.
I find myself filtering out most of the configs in the PMM config repo because there are no previews and it takes a while to test & run each config and place all of the files etc, some include config yml settings while others don't. It takes a fair amount of effort if I want to try someone's setup just to find out it includes overlays in what I consider to be a weird position. If I had a preview I could easily discard it and move on to something else closer to my person preference. Having some basic standards would help keep things consistant and allow for some tie in to the web UI =)
ctml likely a completely different type of request...
I volunteer my UX/UI design skills, if you'd like help :)
pterisaur, how would you like to contribute? Thoughts on the aspects you would feel most comfortable with?
bullmoose20 This is what I do for a living, so I’m fairly comfortable with all of it. That being said, I’d probably need more help determining the desired functions and requirements than on the UI side.
pterisaur, ok will reach out on our discord server
We plan to implement a GUI as part of our "2.0" release, no date yet though.
Yozora: Hope it will be relatively soon :D
Angel De La Cruz
Yozora: what framework are you planning on use?
Yozora funny how we are literally at a 2.0 release with Kometa... ;-)
Discord Discussion Can be found Here
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